Find trustworthy
building professionals
iCIRT is an independent construction industry star-rating tool to assess building professionals.
Choose building professionals with confidence

Independent data analysis and insights provided by an established ratings entity.

Visibility of overall risk, performance factors and industry-based comparison.

Best Practice
Government-industry-consumer collaboration to drive sustained change in construction.
Benefit from a 5-star-rating system
Find trustworthy building professionals
With iCIRT, there is a way to select top-rated professionals based on unbiased and independent information about their capability, integrity and reputation. The star-rating system will help you more easily identify building professionals who have a proven track record, supported by objective evidence of their past capability to deliver buildings you can trust.
Search the RegisterBuild your business' credibility
As a builder, developer or construction professional, an iCIRT star-rating on your own business can help you establish credibility and confidence, by participating in an open, transparent and auditable risk assessment process by an independent and approved agency.
Get iCIRT-RatedBenefit from a 5-star-rating system

Find reputable professionals
With iCIRT, there is a way to select top-rated professionals based on unbiased and independent information about their capability, integrity and reputation. The star-rating system will help you more easily identify building professionals who have a proven track record, supported by objective evidence of their past capability to deliver buildings you can trust.

Build credibility
As a builder, developer or construction professional, an iCIRT star-rating on your own business can help you establish credibility and confidence, by participating in an open, transparent and auditable risk assessment process by an independent and approved agency.
How it works
iCIRT gives developers, builders, sub-contractors, certifiers and consultants a rating of between 1 and 5 stars. The more stars, the more confidence your construction industry professional is likely to deliver a more reliable outcome.
Independent assessments
This star-rating is formed from an objective and independent assessment across six categories including: Capability, Conduct, Character, Capacity, Capital and Counterparties.
Performance measures
Data sources and inputs towards the star-rating outcome may include project data, building performance, insurance claims, license checks, industry awards, trading partners, payment performance, credit records, financial data, related parties and criminal history.
Who benefits

Building confidence in the construction industry
Improved trust and confidence in buildings and building professionals
Reduced value impairment for new builds
Reduced exposure to construction insolvencies
Fewer building defects in developed assets
Improved consumer and workplace safety
More sustainable outcomes